Sunday, September 27, 2009

Art on the Grand...

Our city has a new sense of energy.  Energy generated by art...
And lots of art!
Artists from all over the country put their
works on display around the city.
It sure makes for an interesting Sunday stroll.
Come along and I will show you some of the things we saw today.

A giant times the artist will stand atop the platform at the very top of his easel.

Our very own 'Nessie' monster...complete with sound effects.

Table set for two...

We have a beautiful places to walk, shop and eat.
And Art...lots and lots of Art!

If you haven't been to our will have to come visit.

Images and text
          © by Libbie


  1. This is sooooo cool!

  2. I knew there was a Nessie monster!! I just knew there was!

  3. Is that table and chairs for real? Not photo-shopped?
    That is very cool.

  4. Mimi's ReelOctober 02, 2009

    Awesome! Loved looking at the link that talks about all of the artists. What a lot of talent. Thank you for posting this.

  5. How did they accommodate all of that art? Will most of it stay?
    What a great idea for a city. Nice job!

  6. Thank you for all of the comments about ArtPrize. Be sure to visit the website to see who the winner of the ArtPrize contest is:


Thank you for visiting....
Have a wonderful day!